Chougrani El Houcine, Ph.D
Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations at Cadi Ayyad University
Google Scholar profile:
Dr. Chougrani El Houcine is a professor of International Law and International Relations at the Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, Marrakech.
He is the Director of the Arab Journal of International Law (ARJIL) and a Member of the International Research Center for Crisis Management.
His main research interest centers around International Environmental Law (IEL), and his recent publications have focused on water, climate justice, and the rights of future generations.
He was born May 1rst 1971 in Morocco.
His Ph.D. research is entitled “The European Investment Bank and the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterranean Area” (2003). His most recent publication in Arabic is entitled “The Rights of the Future Generations in the Light of Current Developments in the Arab World” (Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (Lebanon, 2018)), and “Contradictions in International Law. A Preliminary Analysis” (Centre for Arab Unity Studies (Lebanon, 2019)).
Dr. Chougrani El Houcine has also extensive professional experience as Accountant General at the Ministry of Economic and Finance (2002 – 2014).
One of the latest books ”تناقضات القانون الدولي. مدخل تحليلي”.